Presidential History Roundup #6

Presidential History Roundup #6:  Assassins, Sports, Performance, Impeachment, Nomination Process, JFK Quiz.  Interesting news about Presidential history: How Much Do You Know About JFK?  Take this short, multiple choice quiz with just 10 questions plus one bonus...

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Presidential History Roundup #5

Presidential History Roundup #5:  Interesting news about Presidential history: Presidents Who Knew Babe Ruth:  Fascinating article by presidential historian Michael Beschloss on baseball great Babe Ruth's connections with various presidents and one future president...

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Which Presidents Who Died in Office Had the Potential to be Great?

In our nation's history, close to 20% of our presidents have died in office, either through assassination or death.  Some of their terms were very short, thus making it difficult for historians to assess their performance during their brief tenure.  But two presidents...

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Presidential Historian Mike Purdy

About Mike

Mike Purdy is a presidential historian and author living in Seattle, Washington. As an expert in presidential history, Mike runs as a public resource.