Bad Luck

Bad Luck

Harry Truman once wrote that "the only thing you have to worry about is bad luck. I never have bad luck." If anyone could be said to experience bad luck in life, it was Truman, but not in his mind. Farm Life: He was never financially successful. When he was...

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4 Things I Learned in Writing My New Book

4 Things I Learned in Writing My New Book

Check out this 2 minute 40 second video about four things I learned in writing my new book, 101 Presidential Insults: What They Really Thought About Each Other - and What It Means to Us. The non-partisan book is a great holiday gift for the person in your life who...

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C-SPAN Interview About My New Book

C-SPAN Interview About My New Book

When I was in Washington, DC on September 20, 2019, I was honored to be interviewed by C-SPAN's Book TV about my new book, 101 Presidential Insults: What They Really Thought About Each Other - and What It Means to Us. (Keep the book in mind as a great Christmas...

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The Value of Teaching History

The Value of Teaching History

The Plodding Through the Presidents blog recently sponsored a writing contest asking people to describe the value of teaching history. While I didn't win, I did receive an honorable mention recognition. The following is what I wrote: Why Teach History? In our modern...

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Presidential Historian Mike Purdy

About Mike

Mike Purdy is a presidential historian and author living in Seattle, Washington. As an expert in presidential history, Mike runs as a public resource.