Has a Presidential or Vice-Presidential Candidate Ever Been Replaced?

Has a Presidential or Vice-Presidential Candidate Ever Been Replaced?

Since George Washington was elected our nation's first president in 1789, there have been a total of 57 presidential elections. While there has never been a presidential candidate that has been replaced after their nomination, there has been one vice-presidential...

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Listen to me on WCGO Radio

Listen to me on WCGO Radio

On September 27, 2016, I had a free-ranging 30 minute interview on Chicago-based WCGO radio (1590) on the presidents and vice-presidents, with comments about the tone of the current 2016 presidential campaign, including what president I thought would beat either...

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3 Reasons Why the Vice-Presidency Matters

3 Reasons Why the Vice-Presidency Matters

“My country," a frustrated John Adams once wrote about the vice presidency, "has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.”  He has not been alone throughout our nation's history...

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Presidential Historian Mike Purdy

About Mike

Mike Purdy is a presidential historian and author living in Seattle, Washington. As an expert in presidential history, Mike runs PresidentialHistory.com as a public resource.